May 2014

  1. Today begins a new year of studies for the students of the second course “Operatore per la calzatura”

    Today begins a new year of studies for the students of the second course “Operatore per la calzatura”
    Today begins a new year of studies for the students of the second course “Operatore per la calzatura”, promoted by NeroGiardini with the cooperation of Centro di Formazione Professionale “Artigianelli”. After the recent conclusion of the previous biennial course, 16 students inaugurate today the second year of the second cycle, during which they will face […]

    NeroGiardini opened on Thursday, May 1st in Rome his twenty-seventh flagship store . The new store is located in the heart of Rome, in the prestigious Via del Corso 19, just a few steps from Piazza del Popolo and Piazza di Spagna. Third opening of the year in Italy, the new store adds to the […]
  3. Enrico Bracalente at "Nel cuore dei giorni"

    Enrico Bracalente at "Nel cuore dei giorni"
    The NeroGiardini sole administrator Enrico Bracalente and the training centre “Artigianelli” executive Padre Sante Pessot will participate today to the tv show “Nel cuore dei giorni”, live at 4.30 pm on Tv2000 channel. Two NeroGiardini employees will also participate with them: Juma Khalili and Silvia Cesoni are two of the fourteen students, who completed recently […]

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