“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to […] seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.

Art. 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Getting informed, taking part in social life, accessing services: increasingly, we use the web to fulfil these needs.
It is critical that everyone should be in a position to take advantage of this.

NeroGiardini is committed to bringing down the IT barriers hindering users, and to offering maximum accessibility and digital inclusion, providing a personalised experience to all users on all its web platforms.

With its intuitive interface that can be activated from any page, the site is accessible to all users with temporary or permanent disabilities, such as visual impairment, cognitive issues, motor limitations, blindness, epilepsy and many more.

The NeroGiardini website complies with the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines for Web Content Accessibility to guarantee accessible content.

If you experience accessibility issues on our website, please
let us know

Third party websites:
NeroGiardini also disseminates news, information, product photos and videos on external websites such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and more.
Each has their own Accessibility Policies, available on their own websites.